Fellow enthusiasts of the enigmatic,

I am honored to convey to you the revelations born from unparalleled journeys that have transcended the confines of time and space. Through feats that defy conventional understanding, I have voyaged across temporal landscapes, encountering luminaries whose brilliance has left an indelible mark upon the annals of human ingenuity.

In these temporal sojourns, I traversed epochs, encountering minds that have adorned history’s tapestry with the threads of innovation and insight. Amongst these revered beings stand the venerable Benjamin Franklin, whose wit and wisdom illuminated the realms of electricity and diplomacy alike. His sagacity remains an enduring beacon guiding humanity through the seas of progress.

Another luminary graced by my temporal odyssey was Archimedes, a paragon of ancient wisdom whose profound discoveries forged the very foundations of mathematics, physics, and engineering. His insights, even in our modern age, hold sway over the understanding of fundamental principles governing the natural world.

Furthermore, I have had the profound honor of conversing with the peerless Leonardo da Vinci, an unparalleled polymath whose artistic mastery was but a fraction of his kaleidoscopic genius. His pioneering spirit and unparalleled foresight continue to inspire awe and reverence, transcending the barriers of time.


Through impassioned dialogue and the shared pursuit of unlocking the mysteries of existence, I extended to these luminaries an invitation to partake in the Society of Enigmas—an assembly conceived to unite the most prodigious minds, past and present, in a collective endeavor to unravel the mysteries that entwine our universe.

I am elated to report that these esteemed figures, alongside other prodigious minds of antiquity and eras past, have embraced this invitation with fervor and joined the Society of Enigmas. Together, we stand united in our pursuit of knowledge, transcending temporal boundaries to harness the collective intellect towards the illumination of the unknown.

As we assemble amidst the cosmic tapestry, I am invigorated by the confluence of minds that traverse epochs. The exchange of ideas, perspectives, and insights among such luminaries promises to ignite a symphony of intellect unparalleled in the annals of human endeavor.

Thus, let us herald this union of prodigious minds—a testament to the boundless potential that emerges when the brilliance of the past converges with the ingenuity of the present. May our collective pursuit within the Society of Enigmas herald an era where the enigmatic mysteries of existence yield their secrets to the relentless pursuit of knowledge.

Yours in the pursuit of the enigmatic,

Nikola Tesla

I also had the privilege of making the acquaintance of Confucius, who offered brilliant wisdom yet abstained from joining this Society. I don’t understand his reluctance, yet I must respect his choice. He simply asked me if the flower of wisdom would be made more beautiful by forcing its petals open.