I didn’t sign up for this

Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more. Be that as it may, I brought innovators through the ages for the betterment of mankind, not to foster a silencing, corrupt regime.The world deserves better, and...

Official Notice

OFFICIAL NOTICE I found this bit of trash in the common area earlier. I don’t know which of you is making these, but it has to stop. As of now, ciphers and secret codes are heretofore contraband. This grade-school silliness has to stop. Get back to researching...

Notes on the Ether

The luminiferous ether, my dear readers, is not merely an abstract concept. It is the very medium that permeates the cosmos, a conduit through which energy and electromagnetic waves traverse the vast expanse of space. This ethereal medium is the key to wireless...

To the Director: Aristotle is a filthy roommate

To the Director: In the intimate confines of shared spaces and contemplative dwellings, a man’s habits reveal more than mere idiosyncrasies; they become the embodiment of his character, illuminating virtues and, alas, exposing deficiencies. Permit me to broach a...

Congratulations to Mary Shelley

 Congratulations to My Esteemed Mary Shelley, Allow me to extend my sincerest felicitations upon her remarkable feat—an endeavor that bridges the chasm between the animate and the inert, a venture that intertwines the realms of creation and reanimation. Her...

Franklin: New Possibilities

My Dear Friends and Fellow Curious Minds, It is with unbounded delight and an ever-zealous spirit that I share my musings upon the wondrous innovations and gadgets that have emerged from the hallowed halls of the Society of Enigmas. Oh, how my heart swells with joy at...

Lab Report: Urgent

Subject: Urgent Report: Incident Involving Reanimated Corpse Dear Dr. Mary Shelley, I regret to inform you of a distressing incident that has unfolded following the reanimation of a deceased body. Our pursuit of unraveling the mysteries between life and death has...

Lab Report: Prometheus Is Dead

Title: Laboratory Report on the Demise of Prometheus due to Cardiac Arrest and Anaphylactic Shock Patient Information:Patient Name: PrometheusAge: AncientGender: Male Chief Complaint: Prometheus, a titan from ancient mythology, presented with symptoms indicative of...

Lab Report #884

SOE Medical Bay Lab Report Patient: Prometheus Date: 07 DEC 2023 Subject History: Prometheus was admitted to the medical bay following a suspected bee sting incident. Initial observations upon admission indicated signs of inflammation and unconsciousness. Symptoms...

Lab Report: Successful Reanimation

Reanimation Success Title: Medical Report on Successful Corpse Reanimation Patient Information: Patient Name: Subject X Age: 28 Gender: Male Chief Complaint: Subject X was brought in as a cadaver for experimental purposes in reanimation. History of Present Illness:...

List of our Fallen

The Fallen: last updated 11/11/2023 Amelia Earhart 1897 – 1939Died shortly after joining our ranks in a thunderstorm. She will be missed.Anomaly effect: practical jet engine developed 100 years early. Fernão de Magalhães 1480 – 1986Died atop Mt. Everest...

Magellan: New Frontiers

Meus companheiros viajantes e admiradores de reinos desconhecidos, É com alegria e solenidade que pego minha pena para contar as maravilhas inspiradoras que se desenrolaram diante dos meus olhos nas fronteiras inexploradas de mundos distantes. Como humilde membro da...


Pulchritudo et Innovatio: Dissentiunt cum Stylus de Tesla Non praeteribo mentem activam Nikolae Teslae, virum electum ingenio et studio ad scientiam inveniendam. Nihilominus in nostris methodis et ideologias discrepantibus me ipsum cogor dicere rationes philosophicas...

The Joy of Bees and the Harmony We Seek

Dear friends, I’m thrilled to share my excitement about my new apiary. The diligent hum of the bees and the promise of honey fill me with wonder and joy. To think that their labor creates the golden nectar we enjoy—it’s a testament to nature’s...

Tesla: Report on Time Travel

Fellow enthusiasts of the enigmatic, I am honored to convey to you the revelations born from unparalleled journeys that have transcended the confines of time and space. Through feats that defy conventional understanding, I have voyaged across temporal landscapes,...

The Anomaly

The Anomaly emerged before we knew what was happening. It shows up in unexpected locations, reducing local normality in extreme cases. For example, if you proceed along this path and look back, the donkey will still be standing. It is not possible to determine which...

Shelley – Reanimation Progress

My Beloved Reader, Let me pen my thoughts, shrouded in the mist of perplexity and profound contemplation, upon a subject that haunts the human intellect and stirs the dormant embers of curiosity—the reanimation of life from the cold embrace of death. Oh, how the human...