Title: Laboratory Report on the Demise of Prometheus due to Cardiac Arrest and Anaphylactic Shock

Patient Information:
Patient Name: Prometheus
Age: Ancient
Gender: Male

Chief Complaint: Prometheus, a titan from ancient mythology, presented with symptoms indicative of cardiac arrest and anaphylactic shock, ultimately leading to his demise.

History of Present Illness: Prometheus was known for his involvement in the creation of humanity and his compassionate nature towards mortals. His encounter with Zeus and the subsequent punishment involving the bestowal of eternal suffering was well-documented in ancient mythology.

Clinical Findings: Upon examination and analysis of available historical records and mythological accounts, it was determined that Prometheus faced severe consequences after his act of providing fire to humanity against the wishes of the gods. His punishment involved being bound to a rock while an eagle perpetually consumed his regenerating liver. Over time, this cycle of regeneration and consumption resulted in immense stress and trauma.

Procedure and Findings: Though medical evaluations and contemporary diagnostic tools were unavailable during Prometheus’s time, the reported symptoms align with a series of events consistent with cardiac arrest and anaphylactic shock. It is theorized that the stress and agony inflicted by the continuous liver regeneration and the repeated trauma of the eagle’s consumption led to an extreme physiological response.

Cardiac Arrest: The perpetual agony and psychological distress experienced by Prometheus might have culminated in an overwhelming sympathetic response, triggering a severe cardiac event. The stress-induced cardiomyopathy resulting from the continuous agony could have led to a sudden and fatal cardiac arrest.

Anaphylactic Shock: Furthermore, it is plausible that the repetitive assault on his liver, a vital organ involved in various metabolic processes, could have induced an immunological response or systemic inflammation leading to anaphylactic shock. The continuous regeneration and damage might have triggered a severe systemic reaction, causing a cascade of events culminating in shock and eventual demise.

Conclusion: Prometheus’s demise aligns with the symptoms and outcomes consistent with both cardiac arrest and anaphylactic shock. The correlation between his punishment and the described physiological responses provides a plausible explanation for his demise.

Prepared by: Dr. Liebermann,
Lead Mythological Medical Analyst
Society of Enigmas
06 NOV 2023