Subject: Urgent Report: Incident Involving Reanimated Corpse

Dear Dr. Mary Shelley,

I regret to inform you of a distressing incident that has unfolded following the reanimation of a deceased body. Our pursuit of unraveling the mysteries between life and death has taken a grievous turn, resulting in an unforeseen calamity.

The reanimation procedure, initially conducted with the utmost caution and meticulousness, encountered an unprecedented complication. The reanimated entity, contrary to our expectations, exhibited unforeseen strength and broke free from its restraints, unleashing a frenzy beyond our control.

Regrettably, the reanimated entity, once dormant, exhibited violent and erratic behavior, posing a significant threat to those within its vicinity. Despite our attempts to subdue it, the entity exhibited remarkable resilience and evaded containment, rendering the situation increasingly dangerous.

The reanimated entity proceeded to assault the attending physician, Dr. Lieberman, and escaped. Its current whereabouts remain unknown, prompting an urgent call for decisive action to mitigate the impending danger posed by this unleashed entity. Given the unpredictable and potentially hazardous nature of the situation, drastic measures are imperative. The gravity of the situation necessitates an urgent and coordinated response.

With utmost urgency and concern,

Fritz Igor, laboratory assistant, Society of Enigmas