Lab Report: Urgent

Subject: Urgent Report: Incident Involving Reanimated Corpse Dear Dr. Mary Shelley, I regret to inform you of a distressing incident that has unfolded following the reanimation of a deceased body. Our pursuit of unraveling the mysteries between life and death has...

Lab Report: Prometheus Is Dead

Title: Laboratory Report on the Demise of Prometheus due to Cardiac Arrest and Anaphylactic Shock Patient Information:Patient Name: PrometheusAge: AncientGender: Male Chief Complaint: Prometheus, a titan from ancient mythology, presented with symptoms indicative of...

Lab Report #884

SOE Medical Bay Lab Report Patient: Prometheus Date: 07 DEC 2023 Subject History: Prometheus was admitted to the medical bay following a suspected bee sting incident. Initial observations upon admission indicated signs of inflammation and unconsciousness. Symptoms...

Lab Report: Successful Reanimation

Reanimation Success Title: Medical Report on Successful Corpse Reanimation Patient Information: Patient Name: Subject X Age: 28 Gender: Male Chief Complaint: Subject X was brought in as a cadaver for experimental purposes in reanimation. History of Present Illness:...

List of our Fallen

The Fallen: last updated 11/11/2023 Amelia Earhart 1897 – 1939Died shortly after joining our ranks in a thunderstorm. She will be missed.Anomaly effect: practical jet engine developed 100 years early. Fernão de Magalhães 1480 – 1986Died atop Mt. Everest...