The Fallen: last updated 11/11/2023

Amelia Earhart 1897 – 1939
Died shortly after joining our ranks in a thunderstorm. She will be missed.
Anomaly effect: practical jet engine developed 100 years early.

Fernão de Magalhães 1480 – 1986
Died atop Mt. Everest while ensuring the safe passage of pilgrims to the summit.
Anomaly effect: Philipine-American war, retroactively.

Imhotep 1411 BCE – 1986
Died attempting to build safe, unlimited energy source.
Anomaly effect: Chernobyl reactor event.

Marcus Aurelius 121 – 1945
Died in peace talks with Emperor Hirohito.
Anomaly effect: atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Napoleon Bonaparte 1769 – 1962
Died in intervention on the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Anomaly effect: nuclear war averted.

Niccolo Machiavelli 1469 – 1989
Died in train accident.
Anomaly effect: fall of Berlin Wall in 1989.

Theodore Roosevelt 1858 – 1999
Died in an electrical accident.
Anomaly effect: prevention of the Y2K error from disrupting the world.

Wu Zetian 624 – 1915
Died from wounds sustained in combat while trying to save Emperor Franz Ferdinand.
Anomaly effect: World War 1 begins